We love developing creative solutions for the arts and crafts community.
Skills & co.
Creativity, independence, innovation and ingenuity are becoming more and more important in our society. Through our projects we want to support you in mastering these skills with fun.
Support each other
Modern technologies enable increasing independence, but also reduce social proximity. We want to use technology to bring people back together in the analogue world.
Projects for you
With Simply Outlines we make being creative easy.
Starting the creative journey can be extremely daunting. Often times you need to know how to draw before you can put your ideas onto a canvas and experiment with techniques, like shading or mixing colours.
We experienced these problems during our own creative journeys, which is why we created Simply Outlines.
What’s in a Simply Outlines download ?
You get a variety of outlines from your photo in the download. These include:
- Black Outline – is great for determining your own colors
- Color Outline – helps you identify which colors are where
- Color Shading – simple and suitable for opaque colors
- Grey Outline – is exclusive to Master level and is suitable for delicate work
The kids, amateur and master have a different image resolution and outline strength, based on the associated complexity and skill level.
Want to try it ? Start here
Step 1: Click on a difficulty level
The higher the difficulty level the more detailed your outlines will be.
Escape life's complexities and clear your mind. Grab your family or friends and enjoy a creative time together.
This is a great starting point for you, the creative explorer. Enter into the arty world without worrying about things being too complicated.
Welcome to the place where you can create beautiful art in a convenient amount of time, allowing you to focus on discovering artistic techniques.
This is a great starting point for you, the creative explorer. Enter into the arty world without worrying about things being too complicated.
Obsess over finer details, subtle nuances and hidden complexities, stretching your patience and sanity. Your reward: a photorealistic rendition of your talent.
Or choose a difficulty bundle here
Family Pack
A carefully crafted package for you, your partner, your teenager and even your toddler. So that everyone gets to enjoy the harmony of being creative, together.
This is the big, bold and beautiful expression of you. Beam your outlines on your wall and paint. Dare to be outrageous when you next-level your home decor project.
Best of
In one simple pack you can start as a novice and grow to master level at your own pace. Consider this your safe bet if you are unsure of your skill level.
Mir fördered d’Kreativität vo de nächste Generation.
Unsere Platform «eifach kreativ» wurde für junge Schweizer Künstler/innen erstellt. Sie soll helfen Kunstwerke der ganzen Schweiz zu zeigen.
«eifach kreativ» wurde so aufgestellt, damit alle alle Künstler/innen die gleiche Chance haben. Das auswählen der Kunst wird nicht von der Popularität eines Künstlers beeinflusst, weil kein Künstlername in der Galerie preisgegeben wird.